Just a few drops of this 4,758-year-old1 Golden Healing Liquid could help you…

Banish joint pain and ease muscle discomfort starting in as little as

10 minutes!

PLUS, this same liquid has been shown to cool the flames of inflammation… soothe headaches… dissolve tension… and so much more

It’s NOT turmeric or curcumin… it’s NOT boswellia… and it’s NOT some off-the-shelf CBD oil…
And I need to get it into your hands as quickly as possible. Because a U.S. Government patent could soon keep this powerful plant medicine from fed-up pain sufferers like you…

Just a few drops of this golden, healing liquid…

Could begin rescuing you from joint pain, muscle stiffness, and all forms of discomfort…

Starting in as little as 10 minutes.

This could be the fastest-acting solution, in modern history, to a problem that’s existed for as long humans have walked the earth.

Because, believe it or not…

Wiping out joint pain, soothing away inflammation and moving around without grunts, groans and grimacing was probably easier a few thousand years ago

I know that probably sounds crazy considering you can walk into just about any local store and find shelves lined with white-capped bottles all promising quick relief.

Fast. Inexpensive. And convenient as could
be, right?

Heck no.

Because if you’re reading this letter… chances are just about every one of those options has already failed you.

That’s why I want to give you one of the most incredible pain remedies I’ve ever experienced

Before the U.S. government slaps it out of your hands… again

Take just a few tiny drops of this golden liquid, and this unbelievable plant extract could start erasing your pain in as little as 10 minutes.

Morning stiffness, banished before you finish brushing your teeth…

Cranky, rusty knees that feel strong, limber and ready to go, before you even get to the foot of your stairs…

Whether it’s a creaky back… a stiff shoulder… angry fingers, wrists or elbows.

Just a few drops of what might just be Nature’s most important plant medicine…

Could have you sighing with sweet relief in less time than it takes to make a sandwich.

And, while you may have heard of it before, I just want to set the record straight.

You can be absolutely certain I’m not talking about addictive opioids (I mean, they come
from plants too)…

And I’m not talking about curcumin, turmeric, white willow bark (the natural source of what we now know as aspirin) or some generic, corner store CBD oil.

But, at 4,758 years since its first recorded use2, what you’re about to discover IS about as old as every one of them…

It’s just never gotten its fair share of the pain-relieving spotlight.

That’s why I want to give you one of the most incredible pain remedies I’ve ever experienced

In its earliest days, it had Hindi and Sanskrit names like Bhanga and Indracana.3,4

But it wasn’t introduced into Western medicine until around 1839, when Irish doctor, William Brooke O’Shaughnessy, brought it back with him from Calcutta.5

O’Shaughnessy’s patients were some of the first in the western hemisphere to feel its power for erasing pain, easing stiffness and loosening sore, tight muscles.6

In the 1840s, Dr. Clendinning and Dr. R. Greene, in London, were among the first Western physicians to ease headaches.7

Before long, these golden drops of liquid became a first-line treatment for many forms of pain and inflammation throughout Europe and, eventually the U.S.

And in 1915, Sir William Osler, widely considered the father of modern medicine, wrote about its unparalleled power in his textbook The Principles and Practice of Medicine.8

Then in 1937, the U.S. Government banned it for doctors, and their patients who desperately needed it—hoping to erase it from history.


But you’re going to want
to move fast, because…

Even though this near-miraculous plant medicine is proven safe… effective… and is now 100% legal…

The U.S. government has been quietly awarded a patent on it.

That means, at any time, they could ban any and all production and distribution of these naturally-occurring healing drops of golden liquid…

Jack up the price…

And make it near-impossible for regular folks like you and I to get our hands on it without a prescription.

And we both know the government tends to favor making money over helping people, right?

So, I’m going to do my best to keep this quick.

Because I want to give you every opportunity to feel the sweet, swift, blessed relief that just a few drops can send to your stiff, throbbing knees…

Just hold a few drops in your mouth, for about a minute, then swallow. And in a
matter of minutes…

Your stiff hips, your aching fingers or that cranky hip.

It blows my mind that a completely natural solution with the power to free you from the restrictive chains of pain and stiffness…

Could be so wrongfully demonized by the very government agencies tasked with keeping you safe and healthy.

A nearly perfect plant extract whose only side effect is better health!

I have a brief window of opportunity to get it into your hands so you can experience what true pain relief feels like.

Even if every other remedy has failed you.

So, take a second and ask yourself…

What could life look like for you once you don’t have to think about your pain and stiffness anymore?
Would you take more vacations? Pick up a new hobby? Plant a garden?
Would you walk more? Dance more? Golf more? Plan more visits with your family?

But first, it’s important for you to understand that…

In 1937, the American Medical Association BEGGED the US government not to ban this incredible natural pain killer.9

The medical community had never-before-seen such an effective remedy.

A remedy that grew right out of the ground, with very little effort…

A remedy that didn’t cost much to produce, was easy to prescribe, and offered tremendous benefits to those who needed it…

Best of all, it was a remedy that came with almost no risk of dangerous side-effects.

Nonetheless, in 1937, a man named Harry Anslinger, the first commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Bureau of Narcotics…

With absolutely no evidence in support of
his argument…

Decided that this golden healing liquid, Nature’s most perfect pain-reliever, led to psychosis, mental deterioration, addiction, and violent crimes.

It wasn’t true then. And it’s not true now.

In fact, if you look at the website of our very own Department of Justice, you’ll see that, in 1999 they admitted that:

"…members of Congress made definitive judgments that were not supported by reliable evidence. Laws were passed, based on definitions known to be unscientific."10

But that doesn’t change the fact that…

Money, politics, false information and unfounded science kept this healing elixir from pain-sufferers like you for nearly a century

Once a first-line treatment for pain and inflammation…

One of Nature’s oldest, most effective pain remedies was ultimately and wrongfully classified alongside drugs like LSD, heroin and MDMA (ecstasy), as a Schedule 1 drug…

A classification reserved for, “Drugs with high abuse potential and no accepted medical use in the United States.”11

To this day, despite the mountains of scientific evidence showing that it can ease pain, douse the flames of inflammation, even banish headaches…

And the mountains of evidence proving that it’s exceptionally safe (especially when you compare it to today’s modern “solutions”) with almost no risk of dangerous side-effects…

One of the most important plant extracts ever to grace this beautiful planet is still cursed by lies, taboos, false assumptions and laws backed by no credible science.

The 2018 law that allows me to finally offer you Nature’s perfect pain reliever… at least for now

The 2014 Farm Bill, signed into law by President Obama allowed farmers to start growing this remarkable plant again…

It even allowed “institutions of higher education” to study its medicinal properties again.

But it wasn’t until President Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law, that a very specific form of this extract was once again available to folks like you and I.

And if that hasn’t given it away yet, the
incredible medicinal plant I’ve been telling you about is the non-psychotropic form of marijuana known as hemp…

The source of one of Nature’s oldest plant medicines known as Cannabidiol or CBD.

Now, you might be wondering, why all the hints and secrecy? Why not just come out and say CBD?

Well, that’s easy.

I didn’t want to say CBD right away because, as it has gotten more and more popular…

Greedy, unscrupulous manufacturers have flooded the market with thousands of CBD products.

And, as I’m sure you know, a lot of them are nothing more than “snake oil”.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recommended real CBD to a friend or a relative…

Or to the man who was sitting at the table next to mine at my favorite restaurant, Logan Street, last week.

He didn’t look any older than I am, yet he walked over with a cane—he needed help getting into his seat and I watched his face scrunch up
from the pain.

But I could almost hear his eyes rolling at me when I asked him if he’d ever tried CBD for pain.

So, I get it. Most CBD is junk.

In fact, in a recent study published in the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association.12

Researchers analyzed nearly 100 different CBD products from 31 different companies…

And, not surprisingly, they found that more than two-thirds of them were mislabeled and misleading.

Some of the products had no CBD at all!

So, if you’re one of the people who’ve tried CBD only to feel disappointed… I feel your pain. Literally.

But allow me to show you the real studies.

Allow me to show you how more than seven years of experience have helped me craft a real CBD product that works.

Really works.

And because a lot of folks assume that anything from the marijuana plant is going to get them high…

Please understand that CBD cannot and will not get you high.

Period. End of story.

So, whether you’ve already tried CBD and love it…

Let me assure you that not all CBD is created equal. And what I’m about to show you just might transform your life forever

Hi, my name is Brandon Nolte.

I was an early entrepreneur in the world of CBD starting back in 2013.

And, if you’ll allow me, I’d love to send you a supply of it, absolutely risk-free

Let me assure you that not all CBD is created equal. And what I’m about to show you just might transform your life forever

Hi, my name is Brandon Nolte.

I was an early entrepreneur in the world of CBD starting back in 2013.

Today, I’m very proud to say, I’ve helped a LOT of people reclaim their lives and lifestyles once stolen from them by pain.

And, like you, I’ve been beyond frustrated with all of the hype, half-truths and disappointment around CBD.

Because, years ago, my brother squished one of the disks in his back while lifting weights.

The pain was excruciating. And it never let up.

Whether he was sitting, standing, laying down… at any given time, you could see it on his face.

Once a fit, active, vibrant man, he’d been reduced to a picture of anguish and defeat.

He hated all of the mainstream options—they didn’t work, they tore up his stomach, and what little benefit they did offer only got weaker over time.

He’d heard about all of the exciting studies around CBD and pain relief…

But every single CBD product he tried—gummies, tinctures, topicals, distillates—left him in just as hopeless and in just as much agony.

I hated helplessly watching my brother’s life dissolve into little more than bouts of pain, sadness and defeat.

So I dove into the research to learn as much as I could about the best-possible forms of CBD… how to ensure the body could absorb it quickly… and use it effectively…

I was dead-driven to help my brother get back on his feet, both figuratively and literally.

It turns out that what I was looking for didn’t exist… yet.

So I had to create it myself.

And the lucky folks who’ve had a chance to try it for themselves say it starts working—evaporating pain and stiffness, easing tension, soothing muscles, even banishing headaches…

Starting in as little as 10 minutes.

And, if you’ll allow me, I’d love to send you a supply of it, absolutely risk-free

Because there’s a reason that former NFL quarterback for the Denver Broncos, Jake Plummer said…

"With the right amounts of CBD… I feel virtually pain free. The inflammation in my joints that stiffened up in the cold winter months was gone. The random headaches that would throb behind my eyes to the beat of my heart? Gone." 13

There’s a reason that a 2017 Forbes article reported that…

"Forty-two percent of the CBD users said they had stopped using traditional medications… Eighty percent said that they found the products to be ‘very or extremely effective." 14

And there’s a reason respected neurosurgeon, author and medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta completely changed his position on CBD…

"Make no mistake: Cannabis is a medicine. Over the last six years, through countless articles and essays, and now five documentary films, my team and I have made that case and we have provided the proof. At times, it can heal when nothing else can." 15

And once I send you the right form of CBD, you’ll be amazed by how quickly your aches, pains, tweaks, stiffness and inflammation can all fade away

And once I send you the right form of CBD, you’ll be amazed by how quickly your aches, pains, tweaks, stiffness and inflammation can all fade away

And here’s why you’d be crazy to take me up on this offer right now

But you don’t have to take their word, or mine, because…

Right now, 1 in 7 Americans is using CBD to enhance their health.16

And once I send you the right form of CBD, you’ll be amazed by how quickly your aches, pains, tweaks, stiffness and inflammation can all fade away

But time could be running out.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the proud owner of patent
number 6,630,507…

That means, they could potentially take control of the entire CBD market at virtually any time.

And, as more and more inferior CBD products hit the market—mislabeled, misleading and ineffective…

There has been a growing call for more government regulation.

A path that could lead to scarcity and price hikes that could keep this life-giving plant medicine from anyone not able to afford it.

But if the U.S. Patent isn’t proof positive that CBD is the real deal… Just take a look at what the research shows

For example, in a 2020 study, conducted by researchers from Harvard and Georgetown Universities…

Over the course of just eight weeks, more than half of all study subjects were able to reduce their need for opioid medications.

Two of them gave up their pain medications altogether.

And 94% of the CBD users said their quality of life had significantly improved.17

CBD helped almost every patient feel better…

While moving away from dangerous painkillers.

That’s a huge win for high-quality CBD.

And, according to the U.S. patent on CBD, it works by heading off two of the most common, damaging and pain-inducing chemicals in your body.18

One is called lipoxygenase and the other is called cyclooxygenase…

You might have heard of them referred to as 5-LOX and COX-2 respectively.

Research shows that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) do nothing to inhibit 5-LOX.19

In fact, according to the British Journal of Pharmacology, aspirin may actually trigger production of 5-LOX.20

No wonder a lot of the old standbys do so very little.

The NSAIDs do help snuff out production of COX-2… but in doing so, they also inhibit production of COX-1.

And your body needs COX-1 to maintain a healthy stomach lining… which is why digestive issues are so common.21

But real CBD has been shown to prevent both 5-LOX and COX-2… with almost no risk of dangerous

In fact, in a small human study, conducted at an Oxford University Hospital, showed that when it comes to easing pain, CBD beat the pants
off the placebo.22

These findings were backed up by a University of Michigan report, AND a study published in the European Journal of Pain, that showed CBD worked wonders for reducing joint pain, swelling and joint damage.23

And in a recent animal study…

Researchers found that CBD stopped existing joint challenges from getting worse

By halting powerful inflammatory chemicals, CBD can help snuff out inflammation
right at the source.24

And an article in Harvard Magazine reports that once inflammation has been removed from the picture, joint tissue can begin to heal and regenerate itself.25,26

Which is key to lasting mobility, flexibility and a pain-free life.

Plus, in another study, researchers mimicked arthritis symptoms in lab mice…

Of the mice receiving the placebo, 75% of them had severe changes to their paw joints…

As for the mice receiving CBD? Less than a quarter of them were affected the same way.27

Researchers also noticed that the treated mice produced substantially fewer
pro-inflammatory chemicals.28

And, better still, they found that even with prolonged treatment, CBD didn’t induce tolerance.29

That means, no matter how long you take CBD, you can expect safe, natural, effective relief—at the exact same dosage

In study after study, the patients taking CBD report less pain, better quality of life and better sleep.30

And according to that US Patent, even with long-term use:

"No signs of toxicity or serious side effects have been observed following chronic administration of cannabidiol to healthy volunteers, even in large acute doses of 700 mg/day"31

Which is great news for pain-sufferers like you.

Because I know what pain can do.

Robbing you of your happiness, stealing your joy, making even the most basic daily tasks…

Things you never even had to think about…

Into a frustrating, exhausting exercise in pain.

But you’re not alone.

A study published in the Journal of Pain reports that almost one in five American adults suffer from persistent pain.

And for people over 60, that portion reaches almost 30%32

Making matters worse, Harvard research confirms that, people with persistent pain are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression…

And those feelings can actually make your physical pain feel worse.33

A vicious cycle of pain and sadness that could end today because…

The research shows CBD could be part of the solution for both!34

But, as you well know, not all CBD products are created equal…

Not only are nearly three-quarters of all CBD products mislabeled (some don’t even
contain CBD)…

But even the ones that do contain real CBD aren’t necessarily easy for your body to absorb. Or they take forever to work. Or they taste terrible.

So, when my brother’s back injury inspired me to learn more about the true powers of CBD…

I decided to develop a product I could offer to anyone in genuine need of a solution that works.

But I do want to make something very clear.

This is not some cheap, grocery store, off-the-shelf CBD formula.

This is only for people who are serious about getting back to a life that was taken by daily pain and discomfort

And if you’re still reading… then I know YOU are one of those people. Just like my brother was.

So step one was to find a reputable and reliable source of full-spectrum CBD oil.

And what I found is a USDA approved, full-spectrum CBD oil, extracted from hemp that’s organically grown and extracted along the pristine slopes of the Rocky Mountains…

Produced using a leading-edge CO2 extraction process.

This is SO important.

Because, unlike alcohol, butane or other solvent-based extraction methods, using CO2 means you’re getting only pure, clean, concentrated CBD…

Completely free from potentially toxic chemical residues that could make you feel worse and makes the final product taste terrible.

It contains less than 0.3% THC which is not only required by law, but it also means that it absolutely cannot get you high.

Next, I chose to have it formulated into a delicious, easy-to-use tincture.

Now, I know everyone loves gummies, but…

Not only are gummies expensive to produce, but when you take CBD as an edible—in a chocolate, a gummy or even a pill or powder…

A lot of the CBD gets destroyed in your stomach and then filtered out in your liver.

What little CBD is left can take anywhere from one to three hours to “kick in”.

And, as you well know, when you’re in pain, you don’t want to wait hours to feel relief.

But a few drops of high-quality tincture, can start working in as little as 10-15 minutes!

Because there’s no pill to dissolve, no gummy or chocolate to digest, this high-quality, high-powered, concentrated tincture goes to work fast.

It’s the best possible way to speed Nature’s perfect pain-reliever to anywhere in your body that needs it most.

Tinctures are faster and cheaper to produce, as well.

This was really important to me.

Not because I didn’t want to spend more money…

But because I wanted to create a high-quality product that fits almost any budget.

If you’re in pain, the last thing I’d want to do is keep this out of your reach simply because you can’t afford it

At least until the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decides to exercise their patent rights.

But the best pain-relieving CBD product on the market offers a lot more than “just” the highest-quality CBD…

Because I chose MCT as the carrier oil.

Widely considered the best possible carrier, MCT (medium-chain triglycerides), typically sourced from the healthy fat in coconuts…

Is not only flavorless and odorless, it has extraordinary health benefits of its own.

It’s been shown to boost brain health, memory and recall… enhance metabolism… and long-term clinical trials show that MCT can even help you lose weight!36

But, more importantly, MCT oil helps speed up the pain-easing power of CBD by 200% compared to other oils!

Lastly, you get the added pain-easing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant benefits of organic turmeric oil.

This highly concentrated turmeric extract offers enhanced benefits… but at far smaller dosages.

While most turmeric products come in large softgels and require two to four of them at a time…

You get all of the same power in just a few tiny golden drops of liquid.

Two of nature’s most powerful pain-easing anti-inflammatories in a delicious golden liquid that can ensure the fastest possible relief

I call this state-of-the-science masterpiece of pain-relief,



A word that means, "very passionate."

And that’s how I feel about helping you mute your pain… dissolve your inflammation… and help you reclaim an active, healthy, independent lifestyle.

So, if you’re tired of having to decide if you’ll have the energy to go grocery shopping…

OR make yourself a meal…

OR tackle the growing pile of laundry…

Because you know your pain won’t allow you to do all three today.

If you’re tired of “standard” protocols that can barely take the edge off…

And instead offer you “bonus prizes” like depression, anxiety, or insomnia…

With risks that range from ulcers and stomach bleeding, to kidney failure and heart attack…

If you’re tired of “clock watching” so you can time your empty stomach pills against your full stomach pills.

And if you’re tired of being betrayed and disappointed by inferior CBD products that promise big…

And deliver small (or not at all).

Then it’s time to give up those outdated, inferior solutions and give Veoma a try… without risking a penny

What would a life without pain look like for you?

Are you a former weekend warrior trying to get back on your bike, the football field, onto a mountain or a golf course?

Maybe you just wish you could button your shirt, get out of bed, tie your shoes or open a jar without wanting to cry.

No matter which life you’re hoping to reclaim, I have every confidence that it can happen for you.

All it takes is a few drops of Veoma’s light-tasting, golden, healing CBD drops.

And in a matter of minutes, the full-spectrum, organically grown and extracted CBD can help you roll out of bed, and put your feet on the floor without wincing.

As the days and weeks pass…

As your inflammation subsides, as your joints begin to heal…

As your knots and stiffness begin to untie themselves…

You could soon be getting in and out of your favorite chair without swearing.

Sitting down in a hot, relaxing bath whenever you want… without having to ask for help sitting down or standing back up.

Going for a walk with your kid or grandkid… around the block, to the playground and back… without having to ice your throbbing knees after…

Maybe you’ll get back on the dance floor…

Pick flowers in your garden… draw a picture…

You could be just days away from reclaiming a life free of pain — more fun, more smiles, more comfort and freedom

I know you’ve tried so many other solutions that failed you.

So, if you’re skeptical that Veoma really is the CBD product that’s finally going to finally give you back your pain-free life …

I understand.


That’s why, in just another minute I’m going to show you how you can try it for yourself—feel the difference for yourself…

And have plenty of time to decide if Veoma is right for you…

Without risking a single, solitary penny.

I’m going to take away all of the risk and ensure that you don’t lose money on yet another disappointing “must-try” solution

But, first I have to get the next obvious barrier out of the way…

What if Veoma really can erase your pain… banish your aches… release your stiffness… starting in as little as 10 minutes?

What would that be worth to you?

To never have to think about all of the things you can’t do…

To never have to turn down plans… fake a smile… or give up something you once loved…

Simply because you’re in too much pain?

I can tell you, when my brother first tried Veoma, he said he’d easily pay $1,000 for it.

$1,000 to be able to feel like your old self again?

Granted… that’s a lot of money… but how do you put a price on your quality of life, right?

You can’t.

But I wouldn’t dream of asking you for $1,000… or even half that…

$100 would absolutely be a reasonable price—more than reasonable.

But, I didn’t start this business because I wanted to make a ton of money…

I started this business because I have a genuine drive to help people who are in pain.

And that’s why I wanted to make a bottle of Veoma affordable for almost any budget

So, today, because you’re reading this letter right now…

I want to offer you a 30-serving bottle for just $65.

And, because I want you to keep track of exactly how well it’s working for you…

Each bottle comes with a FREE 30-day wellness journal, a $6.99 value, so you can log that day’s servings…

Your discomfort level, on a scale of 1-10… and any relevant notes about your journey toward a pain-free lifestyle.

And here’s why you’d be crazy to take me up on this offer right now

Some folks notice a difference in their pain from their very first serving…

For others it takes a few days, or even a couple of weeks…

Plus, depending on your needs and expectations, you may choose to use Veoma once, twice, even three times a day…

At least until you start to feel the relief kick in.

Then, I think you’ll find that smaller, less frequent “maintenance” servings are all you’ll need.

But here’s the thing…

I’d hate for you to start noticing a difference just as you’re about to finish your first bottle.

So, I want to show you an unbeatable offer… and make you an ironclad promise

First, I want you to understand that no matter how many bottles you choose today…

You always have a full 60 days to decide if Veoma is right for you.

I challenge you to use the wellness journal I’m going to send you.

Track your progress.

And call me a liar if Veoma doesn’t deliver on every promise I’ve made today.

I know there are a lot of CBD products out there that promise to move heaven and earth to put a stop to your pain…

And if you’re like most of the folks I talk to, you’ve tried more than you can count…

So, please know that if you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason, all you have to do is send me an email…

I will send you a prompt and courteous refund. No hard feelings and no questions asked.

That’s my ironclad promise to you.

Now that that’s out of the way…

Here’s why you’d be nuts to pay me $65 for a bottle of Veoma.

Because if you choose the 6-bottle option, I’ll knock
a full 30% off the price—you can get Veoma
for just $45 a bottle.

A savings of $20 PER BOTTLE.

That’s the lowest price you’ll ever see me offer.

And your shipping is FREE.

And if that’s not a big enough reason to upgrade your order to 6 bottles… consider this…

I’m not a super-mega-giant pharma company with nearly infinite resources.

Veoma is crafted in very small, highly-regulated, batches…

So I can ensure that every single bottle delivers the potency, purity and effectiveness you deserve.

That’s why I feel so confident standing behind my product—I know it’s the real deal.

And I know that it works.

But that also means that I can’t keep a huge inventory.

Which is actually good news for you because you’re always getting a freshly-produced, full-potency bottle of Veoma.

Some of those mega-producers probably have bottles of product sitting on their shelves for months at a time…

Which means you can never be sure you’re getting optimal potency. And, in some cases, you could be getting rancid CBD oil!

The only downside to this level of quality control is that I rarely have more than two or three hundred bottles on hand

And once I sell out of this batch…

It could be weeks or even months before my next supply of USDA certified, organically-grown hemp is harvested, extracted and produced.

Once again, leaving you stranded with an empty bottle in your hand, just as you’re starting to really feel your pain start to vanish.


And I know I probably sound like a broken record…

Maybe even a little bit alarmist…

But the truth is, the U.S. government already holds a patent on CBD and they really do have the power to exercise their right to exclusivity at any time.

That could mean a month from now… two months from how… there’s really no way of knowing when…

They could shut down the entire independent CBD industry…

Make it available by prescription only and charge whatever they want.

I mean, our government has proven time and again that they care more about money than they do about people’s health.

So, if there was ever a time to stock up on a pain-relief solution that really works for you—it’s right now. Today.

PLUS, when you choose the 6-bottle option, you’ll get instant access to a FREE 20-minute, guided audio meditation for pain

Listen as you’re going to sleep at night…

Listen in the morning before you start your day…

Listen to it anytime you need a little added emotional support to ensure you’re feeling calm, grounded and in charge of your day.

So, you could choose one 30-serving bottle for $65, or…

That’s almost $230 in free gifts and valuable savings…

As you’ll see toward the bottom of this page, I’m offering some deep discounts on a 3-bottle option as well.

But we both know that once you find something that works, chances are you’re going to want more…

So why not choose a risk-free supply at the best possible price?

Especially now that you know you won’t risk a single penny for trying it.

So, you could choose one 30-serving bottle for $65, or…

The journals and meditation soundtrack are yours forever even if you decide that Veoma is not for you

So, if pain and inflammation are keeping you from a life you once loved…

If you’re tired of feeling like a slave to your discomfort, your pill box and your doctor’s appointments…

Don’t you owe it to yourself to try a Natural solution backed by more than 4,000 years of historical use AND 200 years of modern scientific research?

Your daily tasks don’t have to feel like a pain-addled prison sentence…

Your life can feel more active. More independent. More spontaneous.

Vacations can be more fun. Dining out can be more fun.

Getting out of bed and brushing your teeth, without pain, without stiffness and without a moment’s hesitation is a life that you deserve.

So why postpone life for even one second longer?

Click that button below, right now, and send for your 6-bottle supply and try it for the next 60 days without risking a penny.

You have nothing to lose but the pain that’s been holding you back.

Yours in pain-free living,

Brandon Nolte
President, Veoma

P.S. Even if you’ve tried every CBD product under the sun, I guarantee that Veoma can help mute your pain, reduce your inflammation and help you reclaim a life you may have given up to pain. And you have a full 60 days to decide if Veoma is right for you. If you aren’t 100% delighted, I’ll refund every penny, no questions asked. So order your risk-free supply today.


Banish my joint pain and ease my muscle discomfort starting in as little as 10 minutes!

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You Save $30
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  • $65.
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$70.95 TOTAL
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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. The 2018 Farm Bill signed into law by then President Donald Trump, allows for the growth and cultivation of hemp and the sale of CBD, provided it tests below 0.3% THC.

Absolutely not. By law, CBD products can only be sold if they test at or below 0.3% THC. Every bottle of Veoma is tested not only for purity, potency and accuracy, but we keep our Certificates of Analysis on file for each and every batch to ensure we’re always within strict government standards.

Some people notice a difference within 10-15 minutes of taking their first serving. But everyone’s body, needs and expectations are different. It could take a few days, even weeks, before you feel the fullest possible benefits.

CBD has a long history of use with almost no risk of side-effects. It would be nearly impossible for me to cross-reference CBD with today’s most commonly used medications, so I would encourage you to check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting to use CBD.

In the unlikely situation that Veoma doesn't deliver the results you were hoping for, no problem at all. Simply send an email to hello@shopveoma.com with your name and order number within 60 days of your purchase, and we'll issue a prompt and courteous refund of every penny. No questions asked.

  • $55.
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Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide
  • $45.
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Includes FREE Shipping Worldwide
  • $65.
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$70.95 TOTAL
+ $5.95 shipping